15 Contoh Surat Panggilan Interview Bahasa Inggris

Ayu Novia
8 Min Read
July 11, 2024
July 11, 2024

Teman Belajar, tahukah kamu kalau contoh surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris termasuk penting dalam proses rekrutmen? Adanya surat ini memudahkan alur konfirmasi kandidat menuju tahapan seleksi berikutnya.

Kamu perlu tahu bahwa kemampuan menyusun surat panggilan interview harus dikuasai sebaik mungkin oleh HRD perusahaan. Tim BelajarLagi sudah merangkum berbagai contoh surat yang biasa ditemui dalam proses rekrutmen. Intip selengkapnya melalui penjelasan di bawah ini!

Struktur Surat Panggilan Interview Bahasa Inggris yang Benar

Sebagai salah satu tahapan yang krusial, tentu perusahaan harus bisa menyusun surat panggilan interview dengan baik. 

Dikutip dari Indeed, adanya surat panggilan interview menunjukkan keseriusan perusahaan ketika merekrut kandidat yang potensial. HRD harus menguasai tata bahasa, pemilihan kata, serta struktur yang tepat supaya mudah dimengerti oleh kandidat.

Berikut struktur yang tepat dalam contoh surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris:

  • Buat kalimat subject yang menerangkan bahwa kandidat telah diundang untuk mengikuti interview sesuai tempatnya melamar.
  • Awali dengan sapaan yang ramah, termasuk menyapa kandidat dengan namanya masing-masing.
  • Tulis informasi lengkap seputar keperluan interview, termasuk jenis interview, posisi yang dituju, dan perkiraan durasinya.
  • Siapkan brief yang berisi gambaran interview, seperti jumlah kandidat yang akan mengikuti proses interview dan topik yang akan diangkat.
  • Tanyakan akomodasi yang dibutuhkan kandidat untuk memastikan kedua belah pihak saling menawarkan kesan pertama yang memuaskan.
  • Berikan keterangan tertanda di akhir surat agar kandidat tidak kebingungan dengan pihak yang harus dihubungi untuk tahapan berikutnya.

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Contoh Surat Panggilan Interview Bahasa Inggris

1. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris formal

Subject: Interview for [Posisi yang dilamar] at [Nama perusahaan]

Dear [Nama kandidat],

I am writing to invite you for an interview for the position of [Posisi yang dilamar] at [Nama perusahaan]. We were impressed by your application and believe that you would be a great fit for our team.

The interview will be conducted [on the phone/online/in person] and will take approximately [Perkiraan durasi interview]. We will discuss your work experience, skills, and qualifications in-depth and provide you with more information about the position and our company.

Please let us know which of the following dates and times works best for you:

• [Tanggal, waktu]

• [Tanggal, waktu]

• [Tanggal, waktu]

We want to ensure that you have a comfortable experience during the interview, so if you need any accommodations or have any special requirements, please let us know and we will do our best to provide you.

Thank you for your interest in our company, and we look forward to hearing back from you soon.


[Nama dan jabatan]

2. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris informal

Subject: Interview for [Position] at [Company Name]

Hi [Nama kandidat],

Thanks for your application for the [Posisi yang dilamar] position at [Nama perusahaan]. We’re excited to invite you to the first stage of the interview process.

During this [Perkiraan durasi] [phone/video/in-person] interview, we'll get to know each other a little better and you'll have the opportunity to learn more about our company and the role.

We have a few dates and times available for the interview, so let us know which one works best for you:

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

If none of these work for you, feel free to suggest some other times and we'll find a solution! We’re committed to creating a comfortable and inclusive environment for all candidates, so please let us know if you need any accommodations for the interview.

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon! (:


[Nama dan jabatan]

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3. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris to the point

Subject: Invitation to first-stage interview with [Nama perusahaan]

Dear [Nama kandidat],

I am pleased to invite you to interview for the [Posisi yang dilamar] role at [Nama perusahaan]. We think you could be a great fit for our team and have been impressed by your experience and qualifications. 

The interview is scheduled for [Tanggal] at [Waktu] at [Lokasi]. Please confirm your attendance or suggest an alternative time if needed.

We look forward to discussing your CV and how it aligns with our needs. If you have any questions beforehand, feel free to reach out.

Thank you for considering this opportunity. 

Kind regards,

[Nama dan jabatan]

4. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris berdasarkan rekomendasi

Subject: [Nama yang memberikan rekomendasi] referred you for an interview at [Nama perusahaan]

Hi [Nama kandidat],

[Nama yang merekomendasikan] suggested that we reach out to you regarding our open [Posisi yang dilamar] position. We were thrilled to learn about you and would like to invite you to a [Perkiraan durasi] [phone/video/in-person] interview to discuss your skills and experience in detail and answer any questions you might have about the position and our company.

If this sounds good to you, please let us know which of the following dates and times would work best for you:

• [Tanggal dan waktu] 

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

If you can’t make any of these, feel free to reply to this email to suggest other times that would work for you.

Also, we want to ensure that we create an inclusive and supportive environment for all candidates. If you require any accommodations during this interview, please let us know in advance so we can make the necessary arrangements.

Thanks and we look forward to your response!

Best regards,

[Nama dan jabatan]

5. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris untuk kandidat lama

Subject: Circling back: Interview for [Posisi yang dilamar] at [Nama perusahaan]

Hi [Nama kandidat],

I hope this message finds you well. I really enjoyed learning about you during our previous hiring process through [our interview(s)/your application]. Based on [our last conversation/your previous application], I thought you might be interested in our open [Posisi yang dilamar] role.

That said, I'd like to invite you to a [Length of Time] [Phone/Video/In-person] where you can tell me what you've been up to and any new skills or experiences you’ve acquired since we last spoke. We’ll also discuss the role and answer any questions you may have.

If you're interested, let me know which of the following dates and times work best for you:

• [Tanggal dan waktu] 

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

And if you need any accommodations during the interview process, please let me know so we can ensure you have a comfortable and positive experience.

Looking forward to speaking with you!


[Nama dan jabatan]

6. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris untuk interview tahap pertama

Subject: Interview for [Posisi yang dilamar] at [Nama perusahaan]

Hi [Nama kandidat],

Thanks again for taking the time to chat with me on the phone! I'm very happy to move you to the next stage of our hiring process — a [Perkiraan durasi] [video/in-person] interview.

This interview will include me and my colleague [Nama rekan kerja], our [Jabatan]. If you'd like to learn a little about [him/her], here is [his/her] LinkedIn profile: [Link menuju profil LinkedIn]

In this interview, we'd like to learn more about your previous work experience, your strengths and weaknesses, what you’d still like to learn and how you’d like to develop your career in the next few years. And of course, there will be plenty of time for you to ask questions as well.

Please let me know which of the following dates and times work best for you for an interview:

• [Tanggal dan waktu] 

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

Also, we want to ensure that we create an inclusive and supportive environment for all candidates. If you require any accommodations during this interview, please let us know in advance so we can make the necessary arrangements.

Best regards,

[Nama dan jabatan]


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7. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris untuk interview tahap kedua

Subject: Next Stage Interview with [Nama perusahaan]

Dear [Nama kandidat],

Thank you for having a phone call with me on [Tanggal interview tahap sebelumnya]. It was great to get to know you a little bit better.

Following our phone screenings, you have made it to the shortlisted candidates who are going through to the next stage of the interview process.

You’ll be expected to attend the second round on [Tanggal interview tahap kedua] at [Waktu interview tahap kedua]. Please let us know of it that doesn't work for you:

The interview will take place at [Alamat]. We’ll be asking you to prepare to talk about your experience for the job, and we’ll ask you a few questions related to your skills. 

There’s no need to bring anything except yourself. Just note that the interview will last about  [Length of the process]. I’ve attached an outline of the interview process in full so you know what to fully expect. 

Hope that makes sense and let me know if you have any questions. 

Best wishes, 

[Nama dan jabatan]


8. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris untuk interview tahap akhir

Subject: Final round interview for [Posisi yang dilamar] at [Company Name]

Hi [Nama kandidat],

Congratulations on making it to the final round of interviews for the [Posisi yang dilamar] position! We would like to invite you to a final [video/in person] interview with me and [Nama dan jabatan interviewer].

This will be a chance for us to discuss your experience and qualifications in more detail, as well as for you to meet with other members of the team. You can check out their LinkedIn profiles here: [Link menuju profil LinkedIn]

Please let me know which of the following dates and times work best for you:

• [Tanggal dan waktu] 

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

As always, we want to make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, so if you require any accommodations for the final interview, please let us know in advance.

Looking forward to speaking with you!

Best regards,

[Nama dan jabatan]


9. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris via ZOOM

Subject: Video interview for [Posisi yang dilamar] at [Nama perusahaan]

Dear [Nama kandidat],

Thank you for your application for the [Posisi yang dilamar] position with [Nama perusahaan]. We're excited to learn more about you and your qualifications!

We would like to invite you to a video interview with [Nama interviewer], our [Jabagan]. This will be a chance for us to discuss your experience and qualifications in more detail, as well as for you to learn more about the position and our company culture.

Please let us know which of the following dates and times work best for you for a video call:

• [Tanggal dan waktu] 

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

If you can’t make any of these, feel free to reply to this email to suggest other times that would work for you.

We want to make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, so if you require any accommodations for the video interview, please let us know in advance and we'll do our best to make the necessary arrangements.

We'll be using [Video Interview Platform] for the interview. If you haven't used this platform before, we recommend that you test it out beforehand to ensure that you have a smooth interview experience. Here's a quick and helpful video tutorial: [Link menuju tutorial penggunaan platform].

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon!


[Nama dan jabatan]                                                                                               


10. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris via telepon                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Subject: Phone interview for [Posisi yang dilamar] at [Nama perusahaan]

Hi [Nama kandidat],

Thank you for your patience while we've been reviewing applications for the [Posisi yang dilamar] position.

I’m excited to move forward and schedule a brief introductory phone call with you! This call will last about [Perkiraan durasi] and I'd love to learn more about your experience as well as answer any questions you have about the position and our company.

Please let me know which of the following dates and times work best for you for a phone call:

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

If you can’t make any of these, feel free to reply to this email to suggest other times that would work for you.

We’re committed to creating a comfortable and inclusive environment for all candidates. If you require any accommodations during this call, simply let me know in advance so we can make the necessary arrangements.

I look forward to chatting with you!

Kind regards,

[Nama dan jabatan]

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11. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris untuk panel interview

Subject: Panel Interview Invitation Letter


[E-mail perusahan]

[Nomor perusahaan]


[Nama kandidat]

Dear [Nama kandidat],

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to you on behalf of [Nama perusahaan] to extend an invitation for you to participate in our upcoming interview process. We are impressed with your qualifications and believe you are a strong candidate for the role. You have been selected for a panel interview which is scheduled to take place on 9th March 2050 at 10:00 A.M. Please note that the interview will be conducted at our main office, located at [Alamat perusahaan].

During this panel interview, you will meet several key individuals within our organization. The interview will be led by [Nama-nama panelis]], panel members' names, and their respective roles. Our panel looks forward to understanding more about your capabilities, qualifications, and how you could contribute to our team.

Please bring any additional documentation that could support your qualifications. This might include certificates, reference letters, or any portfolio work that you feel would supplement your application. Further details, including a breakdown of the interview structure and any pre-interview tasks, will be given to you upon your arrival. If you have any questions or require additional clarification regarding the interview process, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We are here at [E-mail perusahaan] or [Nomor perusahaan]. We look forward to meeting you and learning more about your qualifications.

Thank you for your interest in [Nama perusahaan].

Best Regards,



12. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris untuk peer interview

Subject: Group interview invitation for [Posisi yang dilamar] at [Nama perusahaan]

Hi [Nama kandidat],

We’d like to invite you to a group interview for our open [Posisi yang dilamar] role. During this [Perkiraan durasi] [video/in-person] interview, you’ll have the opportunity to meet some of the team members you would be working directly with and learn more about our company culture.

This interview will include myself and [Nama dan jabatan interviewer]. You can check out our LinkedIn profiles here: [Link menuju profil LinkedIn]

We believe this group interview format will allow you to showcase your teamwork and communication skills, while also getting a chance to learn how our team approaches problem-solving and collaboration. Please let us know which of the following dates and times work best for you for the group interview:

• [Tanggal dan waktu] 

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

We look forward to hearing back from you and can't wait to learn more about you as a team!

Kind regards,

[Nama dan jabatan]

[Interviewer 2], [Jabatan]

[Interviewer 3], [Jabatan]

13. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris untuk group interview

Subject: Group interview invitation for [Posisi yang dilamar] at [Nama perusahaan]

Hi [Nama kandidat],

Thank you for your interest in the [Posisi yang dilamar] position at [Nama perusahaan]. We have reviewed your application and are excited to move forward with the interview process.

We would like to invite you to an upcoming group interview where you will be meeting with [Jumlah kandidat lainnya] other candidates. During this interview, we’ll discuss your skills, experience and qualifications for the position. The interview will last for approximately [Perkiraan durasi] and will be held [online/in person].

Please let us know which of the following dates and times work best for you for the group interview:

• [Tanggal dan waktu] 

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

We will do our best to coordinate a date and time that works for all candidates involved and will follow up with a confirmation email. In the meantime, please let us know if you require any accommodations to ensure a successful interview process.

We look forward to meeting with you soon and discussing your qualifications further.

Kind regards,

[Nama dan jabatan]

14. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris untuk posisi Manager/Team Leader

Subject: In-person interview for [Posisi yang dilamar] at [Nama perusahaan]

Hi [Nama kandidat],

Thank you for applying for the [Manager/Team Leader] position at [Nama perusahaan]. We're excited to learn more about you and your qualifications!

We would like to invite you to an in-person interview with [Nama interviewer] at our office located at [Alamat perusahaan]. This will be an opportunity for us to discuss your experience and qualifications in more detail, as well as for you to learn more about the position and our company culture.

Please let us know which of the following dates and times work best for you for an in-person interview:

• [Tanggal dan waktu] 

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

If you can’t make any of these, feel free to reply to this email to suggest other times that would work for you.

We want to make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, so if you require any accommodations, please let us know in advance and we'll do our best to make the necessary arrangements.

On the day of the interview, you will check in at the reception desk and I will come down to get you. Please plan on arriving a few minutes early to leave room for any unforeseen circumstances. If you encounter any difficulties, you can reach me at this number: [Nomor telepon]

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon!


[Nama dan jabatan]

15. Surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris untuk posisi Digital Marketing 

Subject: Chat about our [Digital Marketer] role at [Nama perusahaan]

Hi [Nama kandidat],

My name is [Nama] and I’m the [Jabatan] at [Nama perusahaan]. I came across your profile on [Nama platform] and was very impressed with your background and experience.

Based on [Yang diperoleh setelah mempelajari portofolio pelamar], I think you could be a great fit for this role! I’d love to invite you for a [phone/video/in-person] chat to learn more about you and share some details about our open [Posisi yang dilamar] position.

This chat will be a time for us to discuss your experience, qualifications and passions, as well as answer any questions you may have about the position and our company. If you’d like to learn a bit more about us, here’s our career page: [Link menuju laman karier]

Please let me know which of the following dates and times work best for you and the amount of time you have available to speak:

• [Tanggal dan waktu] 

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

• [Tanggal dan waktu]

If you can’t make any of these, feel free to reply to this email to suggest other times that would work for you.

If you need any accommodations during our discussion, please let me know so we can ensure you have a comfortable and positive experience.

Looking forward to your response!


[Nama dan jabatan]

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Melalui beberapa contoh surat panggilan interview Bahasa Inggris di atas, tentu sebagai perusahaan harus bisa mengemabngakan skill karyawannya. 

Belajarlagi menawarkan layanan pelatihan korporat yang dirancang khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengembangan kompetensi dan keterampilan profesional di berbagai industri. Melalui program pelatihan yang komprehensif dan disesuaikan, kami membantu perusahaan meningkatkan produktivitas dan kinerja karyawan mereka. 

Tim pengajar kami terdiri dari para ahli yang berpengalaman untuk memberikan pelatihan yang efektif. Bergabunglah dengan Belajarlagi sekarang!  




Belajarlagi author:

Ayu Novia

A Strategist and Copywriter with more than 3 years in the creative industry. Passionate in data-driven writing for various niches of content.

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